Aon scales and standardizes global HR with DocuSign
Read about Red Hat's Open Hybrid Cloud portfolio in this Gartner Report
What's your organization's secure score? 🤔 Get in touch with a @msftsecurity expert from R-TEL for an assessment.
Manufacturers are Mitigating Disruptions with HoloLens 2 and Dynamics 365 Mixed Reality Solutions
Digital Transformation the Open Source Way
Off-boarding doesn't have to be a painful process
Secure Score: Microsoft 365 Defender
Microsoft Fuels Digital Transformation of Supply Chains for a Resilient and Sustainable Future
SAP Signature Management Solution by DocuSign - Sun Communities Video Story
 Omnitracs Builds Digital Logistics Platform, Agile Development Approach With Red Hat
Quorum Bases its Cyber One Solution on Microsoft Sentinel, Easing and Lifting Security
Are you satisfied with the performance of your #supplychain? Schedule a meeting with a @Microsoft expert from R-TEL to discuss your supply chain challenges and how we can help you address them.
DocuSign and Workday: The Story from US Acute Care Solutions
Transformation Takes Practice
Salesforce streamlines its global recruiting efforts with DocuSign and Workday