Coronavirus vaccine?

Beaking news shows up on the Romanian media about a vaccine for the COVID-19.

The scientists from OncoGen Romania on their Facebook page posted that they have 1000 dose equivalent of the vaccine and they are ready for testing. This would be great news for humanity.
We keep our fingers crossed and hopefully, we can see the vaccine soon. The manufactures will need to work together and fast.

The original message from facebook can be found below.

„O zi importantă pentru OncoGen: avem Vaccinul (echivalentul a 1000 de doze). Astăzi începem testele”, scriu producătorii din România pe pagina de Facebook. AnunÈ›ul este însoÈ›it de hashtagurile #Vaccine, #Romania, #Covid19Vaccine... read more

Also, the news can be found on other websites too:

Realitatea De Bucuresti


Economica ...

Coronavirus updates

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